How to make a Reddit bot using Python

A quick & simple reddit bot that scrapes comments!

Jun 11, 20225 mins read
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What we're building πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ

A great way to learn about any new technology is to start by developing a teeny-tiny POC (proof of concept) of what you're trying to build in the future.

For our Reddit bot, we'll create a simple subreddit comment scraper that notifies users whenever they mistype the word Gandhi (trust me this happens a lot, andΒ such a bot already exists!).

What you'll need πŸ“

  • Python

  • PRAW (the main ingredient)

  • A Reddit account for your bot

Account Setup πŸ’‘

1) Go to and create a brand new account for your bot

2) Once logged in, go to and create a new application.

Reddit Bot step 1

Select 'script', give it a brief description and enter any url you want in the 'redirect url' field (it doesn't really matter). Finally hit 'Create app' !

Reddit bot step 2

3) Save your client id and client secret shown on the screen (we'll need this later)

The Code πŸ’»

Install PRAW by running the command

pip install praw

Or if your python version is 3.x, try running:

pip3 install praw

Save your bot details as environment variables for added security and access them in your python program using 'os.environ'.

πŸ”ΊNote: You might need to restart your IDE for your program to pick up changes in your env variables.

import praw
import os
import sys

config = dict(os.environ)

#Make sure config keys are same as the environment variables!

reddit = praw.Reddit(

Let's set up the subreddits to monitor as well as the function to scrape the comments!

#Go ahead and replace "your_fav_subreddit" with a subreddit name of your choice!
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("your_fav_subreddit")

for comment in

Here's the main function that checks whether the comment contains the typo 'Ghandi'.

If it does, we reply to the comment author with a quote, and politely let them know the correct spelling. (No matter how polite you are, someone is bound to get their day ruined over a bot πŸ˜…)

response = "Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Just so you know, the correct spelling is Gandhi."

def process_comment(comment):
        commentBody = comment.body.lower()
        if('ghandi' in commentBody):
            print(f"Replied to {} in r/{comment.subreddit}")
    except Exception as e:
        sys.exit(f'Could not process comment! \nError Message:{e}')

Result ✨

Run your program, and if you followed all the steps correctly, you should see something like this whenever a comment contains the typo in it!

Replied to GalacticUnicorn69 in r/dankmemes

You should now be able to see your comment by heading over to Reddit and checking the comments tab under your profile!

Go ahead and have fun πŸš€

This is merely the tip of the iceberg. If you're comfortable coding in Python, try reading the docs for praw and try out the various built-in APIs available. As long as you follow basic rediquette rules, use your creativity to the fullest and make awesome reddit bots for fellow redditors to enjoy!

Here's one I created over the weekend ->Β HarryMaguireBot

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